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Special cable assembly | Individual cable assembly according to your manufacturing documents or cable samples

Special cable assembly

Konfektionierte Miniatur Spezialkabel für industrielle Anwendungen. Kabelkonfektion nach Zeichnung und Musterkabel.
Konfektionierte komplexe Spezialkabel und Datenkabel für industrielle Anwendungen. Kabelkonfektionierung nach Zeichnung und Musterkabel.
Konfektioniertes Spezialkabel für Automotive Testsysteme und industrielle Anwendungen. Kabelkonfektion nach Zeichnung und Musterkabel.

Advice, planning and assembly of high quality special cables

We process all common plugs, contacts, cables and wires up to special designs. These can be in-house developments of certain connectors, contacts or cables. Cable assembly according to your specifications, specifications or samples. Basically, all types of cables, plugs and contacts can be manufactured with any conceivable configuration. The completed cable assemblies can be individually labeled and checked as required.

What is a spec

Special cables are cable connections that are specifically tailored to specific devices and assemblies. Pin assignments, cable types, cable lengths and shape of the special cable are absolutely variable.

Possible uses of special labels

Special cables are used in machines, medical devices, automotive test and inspection systems. Special cables are developed and manufactured individually for the corresponding applications.

phone: +497081 9579777
    Fax : +497081 9579778

ContaCt / Impressum


Name and address:

Langner Elektronik Cable assembly & assembly service

Phone: 07081 9579777
Fax:     07081 9579778


Adress: Straubenbergstraße 38 / 75323 Bad Wildbad

             Baden-Württemberg / Deutschland
Managing director / owner: Jörg Langner
Company headquarters / register court: Bad Wildbad / Pforzheim/Calw
Tax identification number: DE194478239
Content responsibility: Jörg Langner

© 2019 creadet by Jörg Langner

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